Common Skin Myths

Q. Drinking eight glasses of water pretty much guarantees me great skin

Fact: Drinking water is beneficial for your overall health; however, it doesn’t give you picture perfect skin. To enjoy radiant looking skin, it’s very important to follow a healthy lifestyle, diet and a proper skin care routine.

Q. My skin will age like my mom’s

Fact: Although genetics from both your mother’s and your father’s side have a role to play, this statement may or may not be true. Skin ageing depends on various other factors like your lifestyle and overall health, your genes are just one part of the picture.

Q. SPF will tell me how much protection I am getting from the sun.

Fact: The sun emits UV radiations, which are further classfied into UVA and UVB, SPF or Sun Protection Factor indicates only about UVB. To get maximum protection, it’s wise to pick a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen along with an antioxidant to neutralize the harmful effects of sun rays.

Q. The food I eat is the cause of my acne.

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by what we eat. Genetics are the real cause, for the most part. A few foods do have an impact on acne, but never cause you to contract it.

Q. Shaving makes my hair grow back thicker.

Fact: It’s an old wives tale that shaved hair grows back thicker. When you shave hair, you cut it at an angle, and as it grows it appears coarser and thicker than before, which is an optical illusion and nothing else. Shaving has no influence over hair thickness and hair growth.

Q. I can fall asleep with my makeup on, it won’t hurt anything.

Fact: Makeup is supposed to help you look and feel more beautiful, but leaving it on overnight does a lot of harm to your skin. Any makeup that provides color or illusion to skin leaves a toxic film on the surface that can cause dehydration and clogging of pores alongwith mild inflammation and irritation. Removing makeup is essential, no matter how tired you are!