Pigmentation & Glow


Skin Whitening And Dark Circles Treatment

Every woman desires flawless clear skin and perfect complexion. But factors such as free radicals, hormonal changes and sun exposure can damage your skin leading to patchy pigmentation and dark spots, making you look older.

Pigmentation is basically the presence of dark (hyperpigmentation) or light (hypopigmentation) patches on the skin. It is a commonly observed concern. It is not life-threatening, but it can definitely give sleepless nights to those who desire a clear and even skin tone. Before we look at how we can effectively treat pigmentation, first let us understand what causes it.

Our skin has melanocytes. These are cells that produce pigment called melanin which gives skin its color. The number of melanocytes present in our skin determines our skin colour. Melanin apart from giving skin its color, protects our skin from the damaging effects of sun radiation. The more our skin is exposed to sunrays, the more melanin is produced by melanocytes. This excess melanin is then deposited under the skin, which leads to skin tan, darker patches or pigmentation.

A question that might bother you is that how much of sun exposure is bad for the skin. Sun emits two types of rays i.e. UVA and UVB. UVB radiation burns the upper layers of skin (epidermis) leading to sunburns.

UVA radiation on the other hand can penetrate deeper into the skin (dermis) and trigger melanocytes to produce excess melanin leading to pigmentation. Dermis contains blood vessels and nerves and UVA by damaging dermis also leads to premature ageing.

So, if your lifestyle demands being out in the sun or field work, then you’re disposing yourself to gradual and persistent pigmentation and ageing. Your skin might start looking dull and prematurely aged. You will be surprised to know that even indoor lighting emits UV rays. Hence make sure that you use sunscreen always whether indoors or outdoors to protect your skin. You must also note that pigmentation not only affects face but can be found in other body areas like neck, arms, back etc.

Another reason for pigmentation can be hormonal imbalance, usually triggered during pregnancy or by using birth pills. This condition is termed as melasma. Other reasons include acne and skin concerns like dermatitis, eczema etc.

Pigmentation can be classified into epidermal (superficial), dermal (deep), and mixed. So, basis how severe the skin problem is, our Specialist will recommend the right pigmentation treatment which will be a combination of chemical peels or lasers to say goodbye to pigmentation.


At Altmis, we believe that a holistic approach is necessary and crucial in treating and controlling further pigmentation. Unlike tanning, which can be taken care of by products, pigmentation needs special care. Its root cause is present deep within the skin, hence needs guidance and treatment from an expert Specialist. We at Altmis offer specialized services that include highly effective ingredients and technologies.

These services are explicitly preferred for their exceptional properties that help correct tan, pigmentation, dark spots and age spots, giving you a clearer and radiant complexion.

Once you step into a Altmis clinic, our expert Specialist carry out a thorough skin analysis to understand the lifestyle and diagnosed cause of your pigmentation.

This prior diagnosis tells us the severity of your pigmentation. Basis the analysis, you will be advised the right Pigmentation Reduction System that your skin needs to give you clearer complexion. Pigmentation not only affects face but can be found in other body areas like neck, arms, back etc.

Altmis’s Pigmentation Reduction System is a transformative solution that uses specialized services and products along with highly effective ingredients. It fades tanning, pigmentation marks, dark spots and age spots, leaving your skin clear and luminous. This system works well for face and the neck area, as well as any area of the body.


Superficial Pigmentation

In Superficial (Epidermal) pigmentation, you will observe patchy skin and uneven skin tone, which is close to the epidermis i.e. surface of your skin. These signs are induced when the skin is exposed to sunrays without adequate protection. The other pigmentation marks could be age spots or freckles.

Age spots can be identified as flat, brown, sharply defined, irregular shaped lesions. These spots do not darken due to sun exposure. Age spots can develop at an early age, but these are more common in older people who have a history of prolong sun exposure.

Freckles are flat circular spots on the skin whose color may vary from red, yellow, light brown, brown or black. These occur generally in fair complexioned people with light eyes. Freckles are usually caused by sun exposure and if your skin is repetitively exposed to sun, these might increase. Freckles can be present on the cheeks, nose, arms and upper shoulders.

Superficial pigmentation can be effectively treated with a combination of peels and





Advanced Service


Beauty Facial

Pigmentation Reduction System – Superficial

This service is a combination of specialized services and products that include highly effective ingredients and technology. These are specifically chosen because of their notable properties that help correct tan, pigmentation, dark spots and age spots, giving you a visibly clearer and luminous complexion.

Intense Clarity Peel is one of the core peels in this system. It is a tri-active combination peel system that has been researched. This unique peel effectively combines derma peels with botanical actives. These peels have natural skin lightening and depigmentation properties which gently exfoliate your skin. Additionally, it also helps reduce uneven skin tone and dark spots by improving the cell turnover. Botanical actives inhibit excess melanin production resulting in even tone and visibly lighter skin.

Being safe and gentle, Intense Clarity Peel is a low downtime peel that doesn’t block your schedule and helps you get back to your social life quickly.

Insta Clarity Laser Action

is also available with the option of Insta Clarity Laser (Q-Switch laser).

Insta Clarity Laser  is considered as the gold standard for treating both superficial and deeper pigmentation like uneven skin tone, patchy skin and dark spots. This advanced service uses a Q-Switched laser that is absolutely safe for Indian skin, hence making it an efficient solution to treat any unwanted skin pigmentation.

Q-Switch laser targets the brown pigment or melanin present in the dark spots using an invisible beam of light. The laser light targets only the pigmentation marks thus ensuring that the surrounding skin is not affected at all in the process. The pigment absorbs the laser energy and is dispersed and absorbed by the body, thereby giving you smooth and even skin tone. The revolutionary Insta Clarity Laser gives visibly clearer skin in just one session*.

This service is not painful and has no downtime. All you need give is 15 minutes to avail this service. It takes about 6-8 sessions for optimum results. Once the existing pigmentation concern is addressed, further pigmentation marks can be prevented by using sunscreen and skin lightening products.

Insta Clarity Laser can be used to treat pigmentation marks on face, neck as well as other body areas. Acne related Post Inflammatory Pigmentation (PIH) can also be treated efficiently with Insta Clarity Laser.

Lighten And De-Tan Facial

Extreme exposure to sun can take a toll on your skin. With Altmis’s Lighten and De-tan facial, you can bring your skin condition to normalcy. This facial starts with a superior exfoliation session with Micro Derma Abrasion and then the free radicals of skin are taken off through a complete De-tan process. In this process, the skin soothes with Aloe Vera Gel’s restoring and moisturizing properties, followed by application of Vitamin-C enriched Antox Vit-C serum. Lastly, the highly effective Altmis Advanced Facial Mask with BioWhite is applied to the skin. This lightens the complexion of the skin, giving it a beautiful glow that is free from the effects of sun.

Dark Pigmentaion & Melasma

Dermal or deeper pigmentation is usually found in the dermal layers of the skin. The reason for this concern is ageing or sun exposure. And because this pigmentation is seen at the dermal layer, peels and products are not the right choice to treat them as they cannot reach deeper layers of the skin.

In order to treat and fade away deeper pigmentation, your skin needs a combination of advanced technology like Q- Switched laser and peels that has the property of reaching deep layers of your skin.



Melasma (also known as chloasma or the “mask of pregnancy” in case of pregnant women) is a skin condition where brown patches appear on the face. Although it can affect anyone, it usually occurs in women, especially pregnant women and those on birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications.

You will observe them in the form of dark irregular patches. Commonly affected areas are cheeks, bridge of nose, forehead, and upper lip.

At Altmis, we offer a number of advanced services and home care products to treat Melasma. Our dermatologists at first will understand your skin and then accordingly recommend an appropriate treatment to combat your problem.


Laser Glow Facial


Insta Glow Peel Deeper

Advanced Service

Intense whitening Therapy

Beauty Facial

Pigmentation Reduction System – Superficial : is also available with the option of Insta Clarity Laser (Q-Switch laser).

Insta Clarity Laser is considered as the gold standard for treating both superficial and deeper pigmentation like uneven skin tone, patchy skin and dark spots. This advanced service uses a Q-Switched laser that is absolutely safe for Indian skin, hence making it an efficient solution to treat any unwanted skin pigmentation.

Q-Switch laser targets the brown pigment or melanin present in the dark spots using an invisible beam of light. The laser light targets only the pigmentation marks thus ensuring that the surrounding skin is not affected at all in the process. The pigment absorbs the laser energy and is dispersed and absorbed by the body, thereby giving you smooth and even skin tone. The revolutionary Insta Clarity Laser gives visibly clearer skin in just one session*.

This service is not painful and has no downtime. All you need give is 15 minutes to avail this service. It takes about 6-8 sessions for optimum results. Once the existing pigmentation concern is addressed, further pigmentation marks can be prevented by using sunscreen and skin lightening products.

Insta Clarity Laser can be used to treat pigmentation marks on face, neck as well as other body areas. Acne related Post Inflammatory Pigmentation (PIH) can also be treated efficiently with Insta Clarity Laser.

Pigmentation Reduction System – Deeper

Pigmentation Reduction System – Deeper is a transformative solution that uses specialized peels with highly effective latest technologies to help correct deeper pigmentation.

One of the peels used in this is the Skin Perfector Deep Pigmentation Peel which is a combination peel and suitable for hyperpigmentation and patchy skin tone.

The peel has Citric and Lactic acid that lifts and whitens and Kojic acid that works on dark spots. The peel comes with a advanced homecare product – Pigmentation Reducing Complex which helps correct and prevent pigmentation

Altmis Intense White Luxe Therapy

Sunrays may be good for your skin, but as we know it, excess of everything is bad. When your skin, is exposed to sun for a longer time, it gets damaged due to tanning or affect the sensitive pigmentation cells. Hence causing your skin to look darker and affecting its long term appearance.

Altmis Intense White Luxe Therapy, gives your skin the pampering and care of its needs. The benefits of this therapy can be experienced in 2 stages-

REDUCE: Prolong exposure to UV rays can cause tanning and pigmentation to your skin. To reduce that, this therapy uses Remy Laure Peeling Cream that exfoliates the skin and reduces tanning with its dry chafing action. In addition to that, Arbutin extracts are applied to relieve the skin from the damages in order to create a visible lightening difference.

CONTROL: At the second level, this therapy controls the impact of melanin production. A highly potent skin brightening cream and Vitamin-C rich brightening peel off mask is applied in multiple stages. It gives a uniform skin tone throughout the skin.

Rediscover brighter and moisturized skin minus the effects of the sun. Say goodbye to sun-affected skin with the Altmis Intense White Luxe Therapy.

Under Eye Circles & Puffiness

Dark circles that you observe around the eyes are nothing but dark blemishes. The skin around your eyes is thin which makes the blood vessels visible through the skin, giving a blue tint to that area. Dark circles are also associated with puffiness around the eyes.

The most common cause for dark circles is genetic. Other causes include fatigue, allergies, anaemia and advancing age. Switching to a good diet and slight modification in lifestyle will help improve the concern. You can also apply camouflage creams to hide the dark circles temporary. To know more about dark circles treatment,

Altmis has a number of advanced services and home care products to treat dark circles. Our specialists will understand your skin and recommend the best treatment to combat your problem.


Aqua Eye Rejuvenation


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Advanced Service

Aqua Eye Rejuvenation

The effectiveness of this dark circle reduction service can be seen in the fresh and healthy look of your eyes. This service uses a combination of aqua jet, glycolic peel, micro-current and home products to give back your eyes beauty. Glycolic peel gently exfoliates the skin around the eyes, thereby reducing pigmentation. The micro-current makes the skin firmer and provides earlier hydration.

This potent combination in Aqua Eye Rejuvenation targets the discolouration and puffiness around the eyes, improving the firmness of the skin. This makes your eyes look fresh and bright.

Natural Skin Rejuvenation With Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

This is the safest non-invasive US FDA* approved service that can rejuvenate the delicate area around the eyes and make them look fresh and healthy. This service uses your body’s plasma (part of our blood) that is rich in platelets to naturally rejuvenate the delicate skin around your eyes, thereby reducing dark circles and fine lines. Platelets release ‘growth factors’ which stimulate the production of collagen, which in turn gives you healthier, younger looking skin. The service is natural, with no downtime and minimal side-effects.